Classic Computing



Molly programming

Although the Molecular was programmed in machine code.   Many tasks were provided by the OS as Subroutines.  More information about the LOS operating system.

An Indirect Jump to Subroutine would be made to an address in zero page.   The words after the called depended on the subroutine, but would generally supply pointers to the values held in the user's partition.

For instance :-

JSBR IZ 1747 Compute Not a very quick routine!  In fact you could almost be shot for using it!

The routine could accept either single or double word values

Pointer to Multiplicand
Pointer to Multiplier
Pointer to divisor
Pointer to result

JSBR IZ 1711 Add Very quick routine, which could accept single, double, or triple word lengths
Pointer to first value
Pointer to second value
Pointer to result
Word Length

JSBR IZ 1670 Fetch File Used to fetch a single record from a disk file.  The control word specified the file number on disk, and an option to lock all file transfer until the tasks next IO event.
Control Word
Address of record ID
Address of extract area

JSBR IZ 1652 Put characters
Pointer to NUL terminated string Sends a stream of characters to the user's terminal.    Not used for printers - for which an entire line was built in core and sent as one to the printer.


(C) Kevin Murrell, January 2000