Classic Computing



PDP-8 Maintenance Manual Preliminary, F-87P2, 1965

Processor Utilization Module List UML-E-8P-0-19

Note, to make this figure easier to type, I've turned it on its side!

	Key:	---- unused slot
		++   low half of double height module

		Back end of CPU Backplane

	Top					Bottom

1	W024	W024	W024	W024	W024	W024
2	W026	----	R284	W024	I/O	I/O
3	W026	W026	R603	R113	I/O	I/O
4	W026	W026	R111	R002	I/O	I/O
5	W026	W026	R111	R002	R123	----
6	R210	++	R181	R181	R107	----
7	R210	++	R211    ++	----	----
8	R210	++	R211    ++	R650	----
9	R210	++	R211    ++	W005	----
10	R210	++	R211    ++	----	W640
11	R210	++	R211    ++	A502	A604
12	R210	++	R211    ++	R203	A604
13	R210	++	R211    ++	R401	A604
14	R210	++	R211    ++	R302	A601
15	R210	++	R211    ++	R603	A601
16	R210	++	R211    ++	A704	++
17	R210	++	R211    ++	R111	R212
18	R210	++	R211    ++	R123	R212
19	R603	R603	R181    R181	R123	R212
20	R602	R602	R602	R603	R111	R212
21	R107	R603	R603	R603	R002	R212
22	R111	R111	R603	R602	R107	R212
23	R002	R111	R603	R111	R603	R602
24	R111	R111	R002	R111	R002	R111
25	R111	R284	R111	R002	R205	R205
26	R002	R107	R111	R107	R111	R205
27	R111	R151	R111	R111	R111	R205
28	R602	R203	R111	R111	R002	R603
29	R603	R111	R002	R002	R603	R111
30	R111	R107	R602	R401	R107	R602
31	R111	R111	R111	R107	R603	R111
32	R002	R111	R203	R602	R203	R111
33	R603	R107	R603	R602	R203	R002
34	R302	R202	R302	R002	R111	R111
35	R302	R405	R111	R002	R111	R002
36	W501	R603	R203	R111	R111	R405
	Top					Bottom

		Front end of CPU Backplane


PDP-8 Maintenance Manual, F-87, 2/66

Processor Utilization Module List UML-E-8P-0-19

Note, to make this figure easier to type, I've turned it on its side!

	 Key:	---- unused slot
		++   low half of double height module
		*    used only with #182 EAE
		&    used only with #189 A-D converter
		=    used only with KR01 power interrupt
		>    used only with 681 data line interface
		!    differs from preliminary version! (DWJ)

		Back end of CPU Backplane

	Top					Bottom

1	W024	W024	W024	W024	W024	W024
2	W026	----	R284	W024	W011 !	W011 !
3	W026	W026	R603 <	R113 <	W011 !	W011 !
4	W026	W026	R121 <	R002 !<	W011 !	W011 !
5       W026	W026	R111 <	R603	R123 <	R107 !=
6	R210	++	R181	R181	R107 <	R002 !=
7	R210	++	R211    ++	R107	R302 !=
8	R210	++	R211    ++	R650	W501 !=
9	R210	++	R211    ++	W005	R602 !=
10	R210	++	R211    ++	R121 !	W640
11	R210	++	R211    ++	A502 &	A604 &
12	R210	++	R211    ++	R203 &	A604 &
13	R210	++	R211    ++	R401 &	A604 &
14	R210	++	R211    ++	R302 &=	A601 &
15	R210	++	R211    ++	R603 &<	A601 &
16	R210	++	R211    ++	A704 &	++
17	R210	++	R211    ++	R111 *	R212 *
18	R210	++	R211    ++	R123 *	R212 *
19	R603	R603	R181    R181	R123 *	R212 *
20	R602	R602	R602	R603	R111 *	R212 *
21	R107	R603	R603	R603	R002 *	R212 *
22	R111	R111	R603	R602	R107 *	R212 *
23	R002	R111	R603	R111	R603 *	R602 *
24	R111	R111	R002	R111	R002 *	R111 *
25	R111	R284	R111	R002	R205 *	R205 *
26	R002	R107	R111	R107	R111 *	R205 *
27	R111	R151	R111	R111	R111 *	R205 *
28	R602	R203	R111	R111	R002 *	R603 *
29	R603	R111	R002	R002	R603 *	R111 *
30	R111	R107	R602	R401	R107 *	R602 *
31	R111	R111	R111	R107	R603 *	R111 *
32	R002	R111	R203	R602	R203 *	R111 *
33	R603	R107	R603	R602	R203 *	R002 *
34	R302	R202	R302	R002	R111 *	R111 *
35	R302	R405	R111	R002	R111 *	R002 *
36	W501	R603	R203	R111	R111 *	R405 *
	Top					Bottom

		Front end of CPU Backplane


PDP-8 Maintenance Manual, F-87, 2/66

Memory Utilization Module List UML-E-8M-0-20

Note, to make this figure easier to type, I've turned it on its side!

	 Key:	---- unused slot
		*    used only with type 183 memory extension control
		^    used only with type 188 memory parity option
		++   lower half of double height module
		~    Component plate containing inhibit driver resistors
		=    Memory Stack

		Front end of Memory Backplane

	Top					Bottom

36	~	~	R203 *	R205 *	R201 *	R111 *
35	~	~	R203 *	R205 *	R201 *	R002 *
34	~	~	R151 *	R201 *	R201 *	R111 *
33	~	~	R151 *	R201 *	R603 *	R002 * 
32	~	~	R151 *	R201 *	R603 *	W640 *
31	~	~	G209	++	R111 *	R123 *
30	~	~	G209	++	R107 *	R123 *
29	=	=	G209	++	R107 *	B360 ^
28	=	=	G209	++	R002 ^	B104 ^
27	=	=	W025	++	R111 ^	R603 ^
26	=	=	W025	++	B130 ^	R202 ^
25	=	=	G209	++	B130 ^	B130 ^
24	=	=	G209	++	B130 ^	B130 ^
23	=	=	G209	++	B130 ^	R202
22	=	=	G209	++	R405	R202
21	=	=	R650	B204	R111	R202
20	=	=	W300	++	R002	R603
19	=	=	W300	++	R111	R603
18	=	=	W607	B104	R107	R202
17	=	=	B602	B360	R202	R202
16	=	=	G208	G208	R203	R603
15	=	=	G208	G208	R220	R220
14	=	=	W025	++	R220	R220
13	=	=	G208	G208	R220	R220
12	G007	G007	G208 ^	R650	R205	W050
11	G007	G007	R650	R650	R650	R650
10	G007	G007	R650	R650	R650	R650
9	G007	G007	R650	R650	R650	R650
8	G007	G007	R650	R650	----	----
7	G007	G007	----	W640	W011 *	W070
6	G007 ^	G008	W640	B684 *	W011 *	W011 *
5	R603 *	B684 *	B684 *	B684 *	W011 *	W011 *
4	R603 *	B684 *	B684 *	B684 *	W011 *	W011 *
3	R603 *	B684 *	B684 *	B684 *	W011	W011
2	W026	B684 *	B684 *	W024 *	W011	W011
1	W024	W024	W024	W024	W024	W024
	Top					Bottom

		Back end of Memory Backplane

(With thanks to Doug Jones for the processor sections)

(C) Kevin Murrell, January 2000